Michelle Griggs,

Michelle is a Product Manager, Quality Assurance Specialist, Researcher, and Idea Generator. She hates the term "Jack of All Trades" because it implies "Master of none." Instead, she believes her skills lie in maintaining both attention to detail and a big-picture mentality simultaneously. Knowing when to focus on each area is a key strength that allows her to both stay focused and motivate her team to complete their goals as well.

Outside of work, Michelle loves living in San Diego, CA. The abundance of great weather means lots of sunshine, which also keeps her spirits bright. Her favorite place to be is the ocean, although she'll settle for smaller bodies of water when it's inaccessible. She loves to read, kayak, and play games. Trivia nights at her favorite local cidery are possibly more important to her than any other event, and many a trip or meeting has been scheduled around it!

Michelle also loves Greek Mythology, which contributed to the theme of this company and many of the website images taken in Athens. The trip to Athens was one of the few events allowed to derail weekly trivia nights.